Put to Call Ratio
Current & Historic Data
The put to call ratio - one of the best market sentiment indicators
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The put to call ratio, or PCR is one of the timing and sentiment indicators for the valuation of securities in options trading.
It specifies the ratio of traded sales options to purchase options.
If options sales dominate, the prevailing view is that this indicates a negative market sentiment (stock market sentiment). On the other hand, if purchase of options predominate, this indicates a positive market sentiment from this point of view. In fact, prices often rise after high put-call ratios. The PCR is therefore considered a counter-indicator. It should be noted that under normal conditions, fewer options are requested than purchase options; a balanced PCR close to 1 is therefore already considered to be a sign of a slightly negative market sentiment. Especially higher put to call ratios (above 1.3) show a high interrest in put options.
The put call ratio is a widely used sentiment indicator. The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) determines this every half hour.